[Map of the Rempang Eco City development area plan by PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG).]
KBRN, Batam: Residents of Rempang, Galang District, admit that they are ready to support the government for the construction of Rempang Eco City, the construction of which will be handled by PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG). However, Rempang residents asked that they not be relocated.
Head of RT Belongkeng, Rempang Cate Village, Galang District, Deni Santoso said that actually the government does not need to relocate residents considering that the location of Rempang Island, which will be used as an investment area with a value of trillions of rupiah, is very large. Deni admitted that the community asked to be able to coexist with the development without having to move out of their homes.
“The spatial layout in Rempang is very, very spacious, sir, why don’t you just arrange it? “For example, in the Bekengeng village, we just arranged the people, they don’t have to be relocated either, why not just side by side with the development, the island is big, definitely not all of it will become industrial,” said Deni.
In a different place and time, one of the residents of Monggak Village, Rempang Cate Subdistrict, Galang District, Ustad Egoi admitted that the residents were ready to support the government for development but refused to be relocated, apart from being a legacy for 5 generations, it was said that the relocation plan would not be compatible with the livelihood of the residents, 99 percent of whom are fishermen.
“kami tidak mau dipindah. Kami menolak untuk dipindah. Pembangunan oleh pemerintah kami siap mendukung, apapun yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk membangun kami dukung asalkan kami jangan dipindah. Kami sayang dengan kampung tua ini jangan sampai hilang, kampung ini peninggalan nenek moyang kami, kampung ini bagi kami adalah tanah adat, kalau dipindah itu artinya kami sudah tidak punya adat kami” Ucap Egoi.
Sebelumnya Kawasan Rempang telah ditetapkan sebagai The New Engine of Economic Growth Indonesia. Adapun Nilai investasi pengembangan Kawasan ini mencapai 381 triliun rupiah dan diprediksi akan menyerap lebih dari 300 ribu tenaga kerja. (ARK/SR)
[Original article Warga Rempang : Kami Siap Mendukung Pemerintah, Tapi jangan di relokasi by rri.co.id. Translation by Google Translate.]
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