Future Southeast Asia is accepting articles about urban design, heritage, infrastructure, and transport in Asia. If you are on this page then you probably already have an idea about what we are about. The articles can be either editorial or round-up style. For example here is an editorial:
And this is the type of roundup article we like:
Never built projects in Saigon.
Writer Guidelines
– Articles must be about cities in Southeast Asia.
– Article must be written by the author and not published previously.
– Minimum article length is 500 words. Also include a profile photo and at least one photo to accompany the article (minimum width of 800px).
– No linking out to commercial sites without editorial approval. You can link to your own site (if you have one) in your bio box.
– Please include a bio blurb with links to your site and social media pages.
If that sounds good then email your proposal to futuresoutheastasia [at] gmail [dot] com.